Discover Types Of Parrots In India – A Guide to 10 Unique Varieties.


Types of parrots in India –  There are many different types of parrots in India, each with its own Charm. Equally distinctive is the Alexandrian parrot, a larger relative that has a distinctive red wing patch similar to Alexander the Great. In the smaller Parrot species, the plum-headed parakeet flies with colorful plumage, while the flower-headed parakeet, which is characterized by the red crown of the male, prefers bright stripes and growth. High in the foothills of the Himalayas, the parakeet is recognized by its shaved tail, which best suits its mountainous nature.

In dense forests, the woodpecker exhibits acrobatic technology and often flies while feeding, suggesting exceptional flexibility. Meanwhile, the endemic yellow-throated parrot, popularly known as the Malabar parakeet, covers the Western Ghats with yellow feathers, adding color to this beautiful green region. Known for their beautiful plumage and fascinating behavior, these parrots highlight the importance of conservation efforts. Habitat conservation ensures that these avian wonders thrive and continue to thrive in diverse ecosystems across India.

types of parrots in india

Types Of Parrots In India

1. Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Also known as rose-ringed parrots, ring-necked parakeets live in forests, bushes, fields, and mangroves throughout India. Interestingly, the UK is home to many ring-necked parakeets that are thought to have escaped from captured birds. This species of parakeet is also found in urban areas. The kidney-shaped neck ring is blackish in males and grey in females. Ring-necked parakeets nest in tree hollows. They eat fruits, berries, leaves, shrubs, vegetables and grains.

2. Alexandrine Parakeet

The Alexandrian parrot species are large and colorful and found in Vast amounts in India. In India, the Alexandrine parrot is divided into five species. The parakeet can inhabit a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, savannas, and cultivated areas. Females and male alexandrine parakeets are recognized by their black tails. male alexanderine parakeet has tails while females don’t have it. Although they nest mainly in tree hollows, they have also been known to nest in urban houses. Alexandria parakeets eat seeds, seeds, fruits, herbs and flowers.

3. Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) is a bright yellow lizard with a distinctive pink ring around its neck, especially in males. It thrives in a variety of environments, including cities, forests, and fields. This mushroom is common in India.

It moves easily between urban and rural areas and adapts well to a variety of environments. The Ring-necked Parakeet is quite gregarious and is often seen in large parakeet groups. The ability to imitate human speech makes him famous. Protecting their habitats ensures that these magnificent, colorful birds thrive.

4. Plum-headed Parakeet

The plum-headed Parrot breed is a very rare and colorful bird, recognized especially in males for its shiny, head-like tail. Endemic to the Indian subcontinent, the plum-headed parakeet is found in forests, parks, coastal forests, tropical and subtropical forest areas, and rural areas. Male plum-headed parakeets have a plain white head, while females have a grey head.

They mainly make their nests in trees. Plum-headed parakeets eat seeds, pips, nuts, grains, fruits, and seeds. Often seen in pairs or small groups, this parrot is gregarious and active. It moves effortlessly from place to place. Its cheerful songs and lively appearance make it a magical place in the forest. Conservation of natural habitat is essential for tiger survival in various ecosystems of India.

types of parrots in india

5. Malabar Parakeet

Malabar parakeets are found mostly in the Western Ghats in India. The parrot prefers tropical, subtropical, and humid forests and trees and lush vegetation as its habitat. Red hair and hair color are more common in men than women. Malabar crows prefer to nest in large trees and feed mainly on walnuts, acorns, leaves, nuts, and seeds.

6. Grey-Headed Parakeet

Gray parakeets live in forests mainly in the northern part of India and are found in open forests and areas with tall trees.  Female parrots have dark Grey color heads while males also have grey color head but with some addition of Blackish color. These parakeets dig a nest in a tree and feed on seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, and branches.

7. Slaty-Headed Parakeet

These Parakeets are found in the northern region of India, at altitudes between 1,250 and 2,500 meters. They live in forests and woodlands. Male slaty-headed parakeets have black and dark red spots on the shoulder region, which are absent in females. These parrots nest in tree cavities and sometimes use nests left by other parrots. They eat crops, fruits, flowers, and grains.

8. Blossom-headed Parakeet

Blossom-headed parrots are mostly found in India, Mainly on the east side. The head is red in the male and white in the female, and the body is green. These parakeets live in forests, woodlands, and sometimes gardens. They feed on fruits, seeds, and flowers and often fly in small groups. Their cries of joy fill the air as they wander from tree to tree. During the breeding season, they nest in the tree and lay three to four eggs. These active, sociable birds bring life and color to their natural habitats.

types of parrots in india

9. Nicobar Parakeet

The Nicobar Parakeet, also known as Blyth’s Parakeet, as the name suggests, is endemic to the Nicobar Islands. Nicobar ants prefer forested areas where they live in tall trees. Males have brown feathers while females have black coverts. As far as habitat is concerned, Nicobar parrots prefer large trees for nesting. They feed mainly on the fruits of the Pandanus palm.

10. Long-necked Parakeet

Long-necked parakeets live in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and prefer tropical, subtropical, and lush vegetation as their habitat. While male parakeets are brightly colored and have a yellow throat, females are tan and have a black throat. Long-necked parakeets make nests in wooded areas. Their diet consists mainly of berries, figs, and soft fruits.

Final Verdict

India is a beautiful country with many species of parrots that add color to the country’s wildlife. Another colorful species is the Alexander parrot, distinguished by its size and green plumage. Each of these parrots thrives in a different habitat, from lush meadows to open grasslands. Their presence highlights India’s bird diversity and the importance of protecting natural habitats. By protecting their habitats, we ensure that these unique parrots continue to thrive and enrich India’s natural beauty.

By appreciating their diversity, understanding the challenges they face, and actively participating in conservation efforts, we can ensure the continued survival of this intelligent species for generations to come. Whether in captivity or as a beloved companion, the parrots inspires admiration, respect, and concern for our safety in India.


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