Explore Small Parrot Types – Guide to Budgies, Lovebird and More.


Small Parrot Types – Small parrots are beautiful and healthy birds that bring joy to many people. Popular Small parrot Types include parakeets, lovebirds, cockatoos, and more. Small parrots are considered very sociable and company-loving which makes them perfect for new parrot owners. These birds are known for their love of nature and strong sociability, They are usually in small pairs or sets. They need constant contact and emotional stimulation to stay happy. Because of this, these parrot species must be provided with Toys and other playful stuff.

Parrots have been associated with humans for hundreds of years. They bring happiness, Love, and Sweet and wonderful partners. They are easy to train and learn. Small Parrots require less space than larger breeds, making them better suited to indoor life. Because they are found a lot in sweet treats. But those who want to invite parrots into their lives often don’t realize that there are different species.

Not all parrots are large. Read on to discover some of the smallest and cutest species that can pose a serious threat to real people. Small parrots have Unique characteristics that distinguish them from other parrot species. If these parrot find their true or comfortable Surroundings and Environment, they can bring happiness to one’s family.

small parrot types

Small Parrot Types

Some of the most popular small  Types Of Parrots are below

1. Budgerigar (Budgie)

The parrot Budgerigar also known as the “budgie” has long been considered one of the most popular bird species, and perhaps one of the few parrot species that does not require training and other valuable incentives. Requiring space to play and exercise, they can be kept in much smaller cages than larger parrots, such as African Gray Parrots or Macaws. This makes them comfortable apartment dwellers or roommates.

Budgies As Pets enjoy interacting with other people and can learn to imitate even simple sounds and words. With a playful and active attitude, these small parrots thrive on interaction and emotional stimulation. To make them comfortable and happy, give them toys and let them outside of their cage. Providing proper care and attention they can be extraordinary partners. They live in captivity in between 10-15 years. They eat seeds, fruits, nuts, and some vegetables.

2. Cockatiel

Although slightly larger than other small species of birds, Cockatiels are a very popular small parrot breed that delights bird owners, ​young and old, with their cute personalities and playful temperament. Cockatiels love the company of their owners and need plenty of time each day to get out of the house to play, exercise, and socialize. Some have been known to learn to say certain words, but in general, cockatiels seem to prefer imitating household sounds, such as phones and doorbells, rather than human speech.
They are very easy to train and respond well to positive reinforcement. They are usually gray with light orange patches and can also have yellow and white variations. Cockatiels are gentle and friendly birds, making them pets for families and individuals. This parrot requires the attention and care of the owner.  They measure between 30-35 CM long. They can live up to 20 years. Looking at their lifespan they can become your long-time companion.

small parrot types

3. Lovebird

Native to Africa, the beautiful colors you see in Lovebird’s feathers are no doubt part of what makes them such a popular pet. These parrot species are unusual. There are many species of lovebirds, but all can get along with each other with proper training and socialization. They do not learn to talk, but they do learn Tricks and skills and can become interesting pets in other ways. A common misconception about these parrots is that they are kept in pairs, This is false.

Most bird owners have found that individual lovebirds become better as pets than paired birds. This is because solitary birds are more attached to their owners than other birds. Lovebirds are numerous and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups, where they form strong bonds with each other. They enjoy interacting with human companions and can be very friendly. You will often hear Lovebird singing if he’s comfortable around you.


4. Parrotlet

If you are not interested in cockatoos, lovebirds, or even budgies, then you might have a look at the smallest parrot species, the vibrant  Parrotlets. It is the smallest Parrot Species. They measure only 11.5 to 12.5 cm long. There are different types of parrotlets, each has unique characteristics. However, they do have one thing in common they can be great pets with proper attention. Parrotlets require a lot of socialization and exercise, so people who live with them have plenty of free time to spend with them. Some can learn to talk, but those without a big personality express themselves through curiosity.
Parrotlets’ closest cousins ​​are Amazon parrots, so it’s no surprise that parrotlets delight parrot lovers with their cuddly nature. In captivity, these small parrot species live between 20-30 years. They can be your long-life companion. They need mental stimulation and love toys and interactive activities.

5. Small Conures

Although most birds are medium to large, some smaller species can be a good choice for those looking for smaller birds. They include black caped conures. They are only about 10 inches in diameter and even the small moon cones. Although they are smaller than some of the other breeds, they are very intelligent, very attached to their owners, and love to learn and play. Cones also have a long lifespan the average lifespan of a healthy conure in captivity is 20 years, so this should factor into your judgment.

small parrot types


Small Parrot Types make Great pets. They are beautiful and captivating creates. They are mostly bright in color, have amazing personalities, and are average in size. Each small parrot species such as Budgies, parrotlets, lovebirds, conures, and many more, all have different personalities Birds are friendly and grow best in pairs, parrots are small but lively and require a lot of stimulation. Black bearded parrots are also playful and love to play with others. All birds need attention especially Pet Birds, behavior, and good nutrition to stay happy and healthy. Although they have different needs, they all bring joy and privacy to their owners.


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